Saturday, January 22, 2011


So. i explained how i wanted to go shampooless and all natural right? what did i do today? i bought more shampoo and conditioner. I think this stuff will work ok for my hair. and it's much easier than going all organic lol.
Men...i could write 3234 books on the subject. Most of them would most decidedly say that they suck. maybe a few would be much fairer to the brutes.
Who knows? i certainly don't. I've thought about giving up hope. I've tried the internet dating scene. i've also tried being just about every adjective out there for girls. nice, sweet, caring, cute, sexy, confident, smart, etc etc etc. nothing seems to work.
i'm not being anyone but me. but i've tried to be something i'm not. nothing works. so...i'd like to give up hope. but there's still a twinge that something, someone great could be out there for me.
i guess us hopeless romantics can't give up the ghost that easily.
still can't find my bank card. my coworker we'll call him steve...he is irritating beyond belief. acts like i'm an idiotic 3 year old half the time.
and i have a headache probably from looking at this screen for so long.
oh, and i'm totally in love with Heathcliff...contemporary best sellers have nothing on literary classics!
i'm out...skyping it up with friends...then to bed for this tired mujer!

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