Wednesday, August 25, 2010

new beginnings for this old gal.


or at least thats what i feel like when i see all these fresh out of highschool faces as i'm going to class.
So far, class has been easy peasy lemon squeezie but i am sure it will get harder as the semester goes on.
at least that's what im hoping for. I never have been one to do busy work or do well in classes below my iq level lol.
anyways, i will be all over the map, cranberry, butler, new castle. ok not as far over the map as i would like (aka greece or turkey) but it's a start, and it will get my butt moving past just neca.

anyways i gotta go study.... :)

Saturday, August 7, 2010

bucket list.

after watching that movie i made one of my own...i'll be adding to it as time goes on...

travel the world. and yes i mean the WORLD. no i don't have a specific one place destination in mind. i wanna see it all

take a cooking class at le cordon bleu in paris like julia child.

be in a dancing competition. even if it's a city wide competition...

learn a few other languages...including but not limited to: italian (working on that), greek (working on that too), french, portuguese, hindi, and chinese (if i added all the languages i wanna learn i'd be here all day)

kiss a complete stranger. there's something oddly romantic id like to try.

set up a rendezvous point for me and my husband, and treat him like an "affair"...something to keep the mystery alive, which keeps the romance going :)

which brings me to this: find a husband :D

im out for now but i'll be here adding to this later