Sunday, February 27, 2011


i hate sunday nights. even if i work at the hospital on sundays, the end of a sunday night signifies the end of the weekend and the start of another long and gruesome week of work.
In other news...
i'll be starting Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte tomorrow on my lunch break. And no matter how much she tries to screw up my plans, I am leaving Emily's house at 6:30 for cooking class.
And i'm finally putting in for vacation time and must go into work tomorrow morning very very early just to talk with lynda about some stuff.
oh well...
missing the man that makes me crazy!!!

Friday, February 18, 2011

exhausted...but happy...and anxious...and exhausted :P

I have worked 60+ hours a week for the past two weeks. Don't let anyone fool you out there, it doesn't get easier as you do it.
Ummmmm no news on the AT&T guy...which is better than bad news i guess.
Went dancing for the first time in months tonight. Had fun...but now i'm keyed up and have to get up in 5 very short hours for a double tomorrow.
waiting to talk to someone on skype. then maybe bed...then 14 hours at the hospital, just to come home, and work daylight sunday...
oh well. such is life.
guess i'll talk to you all later :)

Sunday, February 13, 2011

"Excuse me...but is this Alexis?"

Soooooooooooooooooooo my conversation with Mr. At&t went very well. It took him a long time to reply, but when he did he asked if he could call. Of course I was at stinking work but after I clocked out I said he could. About an hour later, he called and we talked for an hour and a half!!!
Turns out, he didn't know who I was until about half way through our phone conversation...and he wasn't necessarily hitting on me...according to him, he gives his number out to practically every one. However, for not knowing each other, we had a very intense conversation. Talked a lot about life and were on like 5th date material at the beginning. It was like i said, intense but refreshing as well. I've met few people whom are that honest from the first "hello". Not that talking about more superficial stuff isn't being honest, but a lot of the time it's just that: superficial.
Anyways, I debated allllllllll day whether I'd text him again, and decided to at around 10:30. I said something along the lines of: Hey listen, i'm not usually this bold, nor have i ever had a more intense, broad convo with a stranger than i did last night, but i'd really like the chance to get to know you better and become friends. If you're not comfortable with that i understand too...
and he replied: can't talk now but it's aight with me LOL...

for your info: i used the word "aight" a lot last night. i was new castle chuchin' it all the way!!!

He's a good guy too...christian and everything...
Sooooooooooooooooooo I don't know where this will go, if it goes anywhere. I am certainly not going to entertain the idea of us dating anywhere in the near future. But I am open to the idea. Annnnd, Lord willing, should Mr. At&t man be willing too...I wouldn't object. :)

That's all for now. I have a 10 hour day ahead of me tomorrow.

Happy valentines day!

Friday, February 11, 2011

days like today make me say "woah"

for starters, i slept in and almost missed breakfast at Mickey D's which is what my employer wanted. Then I realized I locked myself out of my house, and after going to my 2nd job for a grand total of 45 minutes I had to leave because a locksmith was on his way to collect $45 from me for breaking into my house.
After that, i had less than an hour before work at the hospital and therefore decided to get some bills paid. I paid my electric bill and zipped on over to AT&T to pay another large payment on my ridiculous bill.
Now, before i talk about today, I wanted to do some background info about my last trip into the store. Last time i went in, I did my thing but saw one of the customer care guys looking at me. I looked rough, hair in a messy bun, eyebrows needing done, scrubs on (you get the picture). This guy came over to the payment kiosk just as i was about to leave and asked if my bill was pretty consistent. I thought that it was kinda weird but said until then, yes. so he had me go to the counter...asked if i needed to change my plan. etc...(his name's Tony btw). I was on limited time as i had to go to work, so i asked what my options were and then said i'd have to come back the next day to fix everything.
Tony proceeded to give me his card, and scratched off every other number and then added his own (private cell) for me to call later "if i had any questions".
I did nothing about it, but realized i was being hit on by a fairly good looking guy. I thought i saw a ring on his ring finger, left hand. I was sorta looking for it cuz i find him fairly attractive.
Fast Forward to today. I haven't been back in because i was slightly avoiding Tony. I don't know why, except i've really been truly busy and my eyebrows are now worse lol.
He was there, and after paying another $300 on my bill, i asked if he remembered me. He did...we got my plan all squared away, and then he asked if i still had his number. I should have lied and said no, but i didn't. I am dumb sometimes. :)
He then said i should just buy myself an iphone and give whoever it was i was talking to in canada my crappy phone. He was fishing for info. I should have said it was all business or something. I didn't.
Tomorrow, before i lose the opportunity to meet someone who might be interested, I'm going to "fake text" Tony. What does that mean? that simply means i'm going to send him a message "intended" for someone else.
the text will say: "Hey i just got my schedule for next week, and i'm off on Friday! We should hang out"
and when i get asked who i am (let's hope this guy isn't a freak and hasn't memorized my number, although i'm sure he could probably lose his job if he, i'll reply with a coy "this is mandy montgomery...who is this?"
and when he tells me its himself, i'll say something like, "i'm so sorry, now i feel dumb. I thought your number was my friend Alexis' new number. Oops...well hey, sorry to bother you, but keep in touch if you want..."
sounds pretty perfect to me...if he is in a relationship, and his other happens to see his texts, it's all innocent and an accident. If he's single, it doesn't seem like i'm being too forward, but letting him know communication in the future would be appreciated. and I don't think it's too pushy about getting back to me whatsoever.
As far as i can see, it's fairly fool-proof. If nothing happens, at least i tried. I hope we go out at least once. He seems like a decent guy.

In other news. 2nd job sucks. Hospital is irritating. Haven't read anything in almost a week. I feel my brain cells that were waking up from lack of good stimulation slowly dying.

Excited and nervous about tomorrow's convo :) wish me luck!!!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


i forgot how much i hate cigarettes. lady i work for, whom i spent my whole day off of the hospital with, smokes like a fiend. making it very difficult for me to breathe. not only that but now my clothes smell like smoke too.
and the only day i'll probably get off at all will be sunday the 20th, if i'm even off from the hospital.
makes me wanna go crazy.
i think i might go AWOL and not come back. you all are more than welcome to follow me around the world...
lol. i wish. ooooooooh how i so wish.
anyways...i'm probably going to need a breathing treatment tomorrow. if not tomorrow, then certainly friday night. craaaap. friday nights are our busiest. craaaaaaap
maybe i'll have time on saturday then lol.
i'm out. another 15 hour day tomorrow...

Monday, February 7, 2011

long day...

i started work at the hospital at 7 this morning and finished my second job at 9 tonight...which equals almost 14 hours of uninterupted work.
my feet hurt but not as bad as my head...which hurts worse from all the smoke and screaming my client and her daughter do.
i am basically their maid. i did 3 loads of laundry, cooked dinner, cleaned up the kitchen, then baked brownies, gave an insulin shot, and cleaned up again. all while the mother watched tv in her room and the daughter played on facebook.
oh well. i just keep telling myself...vacation. vacation. vacation. vacation. vacation.
and to be fair the mother has severe health issues and the daughter is only 12.
but still. the mother nags her daughter constantly and the daughter tunes her out only to be screamed at more. it's a tense situation...
vacation. vacation. vacation. vacation. vacation.
i'm bout to hit the shower and go to bed. only to be back at their house at 8 AM and work till i have to leave for the hospital. good thing i will be getting paid every week from here on until i quit. lol
i miss my friends. my life. my apartment lol
maybe i can schedule some time off for my friends. my life. my apartment. lol
vacation. vacation. vacation. vacation. vacation. vacation. freakin vacation...

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Robinson Crusoe: two thumbs up

I have needed a vacation for so long, and so badly that i decided to read Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe. I read it in the 4th grade, which makes my head spin when i think about the amoung of language i had to re-read or think about as an adult.
Of course i loved it. My biggest problem with it was this: there are no chapters in the book at all. I typically will allow myself to finish a chapter before i go do something, such as back to work or switch the laundry over etc. Without having chapters to go by, i had to do a lot of skimming ahead to find the next change in thought and then read until that point. Of which i would usually bypass and have to start the "end of my reading for the moment" search all over again.
It hasn't totally satiated my desire to get out of this frozen tundra i call home, but it helps me see the benefits of not being stranded on an island :)
I plan on reading the sequels to it (there are 2 written by Defoe) this month as well. I'll be buying those sometime this week :)
I have a friend who asked me how i read so much, and i couldn't tell him. Just that i honestly read everything, including the air-freshener can while i go to the bathroom, my shampoo/conditioner/bodywash in the shower, and my deoderant while getting dressed. I can't stop myself from reading. He can't seem to start himself to it lol.

In other news...Life is good. I start my second job tomorrow. Kind of nervous about that, as i have some plans for behavior modification from my client's daughter...Oh and i'm finally getting my taxes done tomorrow as soon as i finish with my client. Becka leaves on Friday, and i'm hoping to get in one last coffee with her before she goes. maybe wednesday afternoon before church? I guess i don't need a life?
Anyways, i'm out for now. Gotta get up in 5 hours to shower and head off to work :(

Thursday, February 3, 2011

new job

so. after 5 hours of getting to know a lady by the name of Emily Gramsky, i have decided to take this second job. My duties will include but are not limited to: some housework and cooking, and helping her with duties such as bathing, giving her her insulin shots, taking her to pittsburgh etc.
i wouldn't have taken this job, but God knows i need the money.
i'm not quitting at the hospital for now i'll be working a small 60+ hours a week. or 72...
crap. i just started to have time for a life and be able to see my friends again. suuuuuuck...
oh well...i've already determined what i'll do with the money from this second job once i get AT&T paid least 1/4 of each pay is going into "my" mexican bank account. the rest is my play money...
my hospital pays will pay the bills.
ugh...honestly, if any of you people who read this are teens, don't ever wish to be an adult. We have bills that must be paid, and trust me, that really, really stinks a whole lot worse than high school drama.
anyways, i start monday.
talking to ppl...doing laundry...organizing the dirt to be cleaned first thing in the morning, then to H&R for my taxes...then hopefully to Mich's for "zumba" and then work. then maybe back to Mich's for a get together with Becka before she leaves...
later :)