Monday, January 17, 2011


I will be reading a literary classic each month. I'm starting the year off with "Wuthering Heights" by Emily Bronte.
here are a few more that i have chosen, but i know i need some suggestions to fill in the gaps.
-Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. Ok this one might not be considered a classic yet...but it's great!
-Great Expectations by Charles Dickens. This is my summer read and has been since i was in highschool. funny, it never seems to get old.
-The complete collection of books by Jane Austen. I may allow 2 months for this simply because I want to read everything she wrote. it might take a while to accomplish that lol.

I need suggestions people. I need 7 more books for my list. If i've read it before, i may not choose it because it's been read, or i may choose it because it's a personal favorite.

In other news:

something is up at work...i can't put my finger on what is going on, but i do know that this change in shift times is the start to something bad. Me and a colleague of mine have felt since around Halloween that something is going to happen, and that it's not going to be a good "something".
Personally, i feel that when the crap does hit the proverbial fan, it's gonna fly...

Have i mentioned i'm looking for another job? :)

Church is going well i do believe. Friends are ok i think. Men...we won't go there.

Any ways people, let me know what books i should read this year,

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