Sunday, January 16, 2011


i would assume this is natural and normal for any and all artists, no matter what form of art they create: my hands were not cooperating with me tonight. I am attempting to learn a song that my church choir has performed for Easter celebrations. It has beautiful accompaniment. I have the first page down pretty well, and almost committed to memory.
But my hands would not play nicely with each other and the piano. You readers out there might have an idea how irritating that can be, but coming from someone who has been inolved with music since i was 4, it is beyond frustrating.
I am not learning this music for anything other than my enjoyment. So i don't have a rush to get it memorized, but it wasn't even with that song. I could simply not play easy songs with guitar chords either.
Maybe it's because my hands were super cold. I don't know. i just know I didn't like the feeling of incapability i had when i sat there, trying to play simple stuff and failing at it.
Speaking of being entirely too cold...this weather needs to warm up or i will move south of the border and fast. lol.
Other than my piano related frustration...what can i say for this past week...
men are men. unfortunately it shouldn't excuse some of them their behavior but they will always get away with the way they act because, lo and behold...they're men.
some men are ok...the hurt they cause isn't really their fault.
i'm sort of moving out of that "needaman" phase. probably because of the first group of men i described lol.
anyways...i'm off here...skyping it up with some friends and then i'm off to bed. got to go pay bills before i go to work :(

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