Monday, October 25, 2010

run run run, never get anything done...

So, I have been a running machine for what feels like an eternity. I'm in class in butler and cranberry Pa. I still work in new castle, and now I'm back into ballroom dancing (oh how i've missed it) in cleveland, oh.
Why all the running? because if I don't get out of this new castle slump that affects everyone who lives here i will end up going crazy.
I'm most excited to tell you all about the ballroom dancing. This past friday, I went (by myself, of course), to Cleveland, OH and was greeted by a bunch of super nice, middle aged people. I had a blast. I foxtrotted, waltzed, cha-cha'd, rumbaa'd, salsa'd, swung, and hustled. Throw in a few line dances and my night was complete. I did not tango, which is something i know how to do (i could do all of them but the hustle before I went), but maybe this friday i'll tango.
One thing I will most definitely have to invest in are some real dance shoes cuz all my heels are sort of stretched out.
Seriously though, I have missed dancing so so so much.
Even with all this running like crazy, I still feel like I'm not truly accomplishing anything. Oh well, I guess you win some, you lose some.

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